Sunday, October 26, 2014

Battlewagon 2: Basically finished

Made some time for painting the battlewagon I made some weeks ago.  Ended up a little sloppier than I originally intended, but I'm OK with that for orks.

In other news, I got my copy of IA 13: War machines of the lost and the damned.  Some neat stuff, and I look forward to reading it.  A bit disappointed with the Renegades and Heretics army list, but I might find use for it at some point.


  1. Battlewagon looks good. It's supposed to be messy, it's orks! Guy at GW put it best. "When working on orks, you can come up with this great idea, work it till you are almost finished, then stop about 3/4 of the way through...and it'll be perfect, because that's exactly what orks would do. "

    1. Thanks. Good thought, and it helps to keep you from going too far over the top. Works for Chaos too.

  2. I look forward to the Imperial Armor stuff from you, and have been enjoying all of your battle reports! Great stuff.

    1. Thanks. It may be a while before I can really dig into IA 13, but glad you're enjoying the reports!


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