Saturday, October 14, 2023

WIP Emperor's Children (30K)


A little work on the loyalist EC, testing things out on a few Tactical marines. Spray based in Army Painter Alien Purple. Other paints also Army Painter, including the black and gold with the Speedpaint 2.0 and they are pretty marvelous. Also a leather from them for the holsters and straps but don't see well in this picture. 

Tried a simple eye lens with silver base and Tamiya transparent green over top, but not really happy, will look at some alternatives.

I've also painted up all the bases for the guys I have so far (will need to make more later for assault squads). Started with gold and then muted and grimed up.  After this pic I also added some GW Reikland Fleshshade wash, which I find works pretty well with gold.

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